The battle of Nelson Street
Vashti reports on a Muslim mayor's fight to save the Jewish East End.
Rivkah Brown is an editor at Novara Media and the former editor-in-chief of Vashti.
Vashti reports on a Muslim mayor's fight to save the Jewish East End.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Baddiel's complaint is a dead end.
The Jewish Left
A report from the Jewish bloc at the protest to shut down Manston.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Zionism has inextricably linked our oppressions.
The Jewish Left
Britain’s police power trip continues apace as the co-owner of the Glasgow café is charged with a breach of the peace.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
If Jewish solidarity withers in the face of the few bigots who drove down Finchley Road on Sunday, it is no solidarity at all.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
A new document attempts to put right what the IHRA got wrong. Vashti interviews one of its authors.
The Far Right
Like a schlubby Jewish Virgil, the American journalist leads readers of her new book through the circles of white supremacist hell.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
In private messages to his former congregants, a leading British rabbi sounds off on race, gender and sexuality.
UK Politics
From the back-benches to the front, Corbyn has fought for Jewish freedoms; yet it’s this fighting spirit that has made him an intractable elder statesman who struggles to admit wrongdoing.