Palestinians come home for Christmas
69 years after their village was razed on Christmas Eve, these Palestinians are determined not to let the pandemic prevent them from celebrating and mourning on their ancestral land.
69 years after their village was razed on Christmas Eve, these Palestinians are determined not to let the pandemic prevent them from celebrating and mourning on their ancestral land.
A reading of the politics written onto the city walls.
A contest over a spring exposes Israel’s water apartheid.
Israeli politicians have expressed remorse at Eyad Hallaq’s killing, but it’s clear they view it as an aberration.
The Board gained prominence through its forthright stance on Labour antisemitism. Its mealy-mouthed response to annexation will condemn it to irrelevance.
By mainstreaming the fantasies of the annexationist hard-right, this plan paves the way for an escalation of unforeseeable proportions.