Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
“This stuff is homegrown”
Vashti interviews David Rosenberg on what his lifetime of anti-racist and anti-fascist organising can teach us about confronting the far-right today.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Vashti interviews David Rosenberg on what his lifetime of anti-racist and anti-fascist organising can teach us about confronting the far-right today.
If it’s diverse perspectives the Board of Deputies wants, they’ll have to accept anti-Zionist art.
The Pickle
The strange history of an intra-racial slur.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Instead of relying on police, provosts and prime ministers, it’s time we mobilised cross-community movements to uproot antisemitism at its foundations.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Last weekend’s March Against Antisemitism was in fact a march against solidarity with Palestinians.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Interrogating the calls to ban the rock star’s concerts.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
What happens when Jews won't be good?
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Gary Lineker has a better grasp of the lessons we should be taking from the Holocaust than many of our communal leaders.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Solidarity with the shofar-blowing goblins!
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Baddiel's complaint is a dead end.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
The NUS investigation is pointless.
Antisemitism and Anti-Racism
Fighting anti-semitism, real and weaponised.